Borrower Services

To All Patrons:
It is your responsibility to notify the library immediately if you have a change of name or address; there is no charge for recording the new information, and you will continue to use the same library card. If your library card is lost, please notify the library immediately so that we can prevent possible unauthorized use and protect your records. There is a processing fee for the replacement of lost, stolen, or damaged library cards.
($1.00 the first time and $5.00 for each card lost thereafter).
Check-out Limits
Individuals & Families–50 Total Items
10 Magazines |
10 Audios |
10 Videos/DVDs Per Family |
1 Pass |
1 Hotspot |
50 Total Limit |
Fine Policy
As of August 27, 2019 the Blanchard Community Library is fine free for most items. Hotspots and Connectivity Kits are subject to late fees.
Overdue items not returned after 30 days will be considered lost and will incur replacement costs.
Due Dates
Books | 3 Weeks |
Audios | 3 Weeks |
Videos | 3 Weeks |
Magazines | 3 Weeks |
Hotspots | 1 Week |
Connectivity Kits | 3 Weeks |
Passes | 3 Weeks |
RENEWALS – 5 times only (Effective Oct. 1, 2023, the number of renewals allowed have been reduced to 3.)
Most items will auto-renewed as long as there is not a patron waiting for it. This excludes Hotspots and Connectivity Kits. You can check the status of the items you have checked out by signing into your online account.
You may return your library materials in the Book-slot located inside the library or in the Book-drop (blue bin) located in the library parking lot.
Miscellaneous Replacement Charges
Audio Boxes | $3.00 |
Missing Barcode | $1.00 |
Missing Original Book Cover | $5.00 |
Plastic Jacket | $1.00 |
Book Pocket | $1.00 |
There will be a Replacement Charge and an overdue fine for Lost Materials.
Library Staff will determine charges for Damaged books.
Suspension of Library Privileges
All library privileges (loan of materials or use of computers) are automatically suspended if any fines or overdue materials are not paid or returned as soon as the patron is notified either in person or by mail.
Inter-Library Loan
Books, Videos and Audios that we do not own may be requested from another library in the Black Gold Co-Operative Library System. Arrival time for loan items may vary.