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Room Use Policy

The Blanchard Community Library encourages public use of meeting rooms as gathering places to exchange ideas, access and share information, and participate in programs created for public enjoyment, public education, and civic engagement.

These meeting rooms are managed by Library administration, in accordance with local and state laws governing protection of public property and fire safety. 

Use is granted on an equal basis to all groups in accordance with the American Library Association Bill of Rights.      

The library meeting rooms are NOT available for:

  • Purposes prohibited by local ordinance, county, state, or federal law
  • Direct solicitation of customers or clients, or for gathering of personal information such as name, telephone number and address for the purpose of future solicitation
  • Direct sales
  • Any activity which, in the opinion of the Library Director or designee may cause undue disruption to the peaceful operation of the library
  • Partisan politics, sectarian or religious services

An approved application is required for all groups and organizations desiring to use the meeting rooms. Reservations are not considered final until approved by Library staff.

In the event of conflict over requested dates for the use of a meeting room, preference will be given in the following order:

  •  Library-sponsored events
  • Local government
  • Non-profit community groups

The use of a meeting room by an organization or group, in no way constitutes an endorsement of that organization or group’s beliefs, doctrines or programs by the Blanchard Community Library or the Board of Trustees.


Any person applying for use of a meeting room must be at least 18 years of age and have a Blanchard Community Library card in good standing. The person submitting the application shall be responsible for any damage to library property resulting from the organization's use of the room.

Non-commercial Use

At the request of Library staff, for-profit organizations may present programs to the public on general topics, however, selling, offering products or services for sale and solicitation for future delivery or performance of any product or service are not permitted in library meeting rooms. No personal information may be collected from public program attendees.


To ensure and promote the accessibility of Library meeting rooms to a wide variety of community groups, eligible groups may:

  • Reserve meeting rooms up to 90 days in advance, as available
  • Book three consecutive meetings at a time on a rolling basis
  • Use rooms during normal Library operational hours, Monday – Saturday

Library meeting rooms are primarily for the use of Blanchard Community Library staff, Library-related organizations, and Library-sponsored programs. Library related events and functions will receive first priority in scheduling.

Meeting rooms are not available if the Library is closed due to an emergency or inclement weather.

All reservations should be made at least 2 business days in advance.

Reservations are limited to 2 hours per day, per organization.


Cancellations by groups must be received by the Library at least 48 hours in advance; failure to appear for a confirm reservation will be considered a cancellation without warning and may impact a group’s ability to request future reservations.

The Library reserves the right to reschedule confirmed meeting room reservations to accommodate Library programs, meetings, or events. In such rare instances, the Library will make every reasonable effort to give ample notice and to assist the group in reserving another date or library meeting room.

Guidelines for Use

All activities and programs conducted in library buildings must comply with federal, state, and local laws and are subject to the rules, regulations, and policies of the Library.

The Blanchard Community Library’s Code of Conduct policy may be accessed here.

Programs and/or meetings may not disrupt normal Library service. Room occupancy shall be observed as posted.

Each meeting room can be setup in one of three configurations: board room, classroom, or presentation.  

Furniture should be left in a clean, neat, and orderly arrangement at the conclusion of the meeting. All floors and surfaces should be clean and clear of debris; all trash should be placed in appropriate receptacles.

Audio-visual equipment (e.g. projector, screen, microphone, etc.) may be available for use, subject to availability and location. Any other equipment must be provided by the group at its own cost. The Library is unable to provide storage space for materials or equipment between meetings.

Library personnel have free access to enter any meeting room at any time. The Board of Trustees has vested in Library personnel the authority to supervise meeting room use and to interpret policy; however, final authority rests with the Library Director.

The Library Director or their designee may shut down any event or meeting which is not following the requirements as stated in this policy. Failure to follow any of the requirements of this policy may result in the permanent denial of use of meeting rooms in the future for that organization.

Responsibility of Users

Reservations do not include access to staff-only areas of the Library or usage of Library copiers and office supplies. Transportation and setup of meeting-related materials and supplies is the sole responsibility of the reserving group; copies may be made only at the public copier in the Library’s main reading area at a cost of 15¢ for black and white copies, and 65¢ for color.

All group members and attendees must enter and exit through the main entrance during regular Library hours. All meetings must be concluded and the rooms vacated 15 minutes before the library closes.    

Any cleaning of meeting rooms required as a result of a group’s use will be billed at an hourly rate. The cost of any materials and labor required for any repair will be billed to the responsible party.

Any publicity materials must clearly indicate that the program is under the sponsorship of the group and not the Blanchard Community Library. Publicity materials to be posted on Library premises must be approved in advance by the Library Director.

Approved by the Board of Trustees on 07/23/2024

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